Unseen WARs at HOMe

We ALL have unseen wars at home and we handle it the best way we can at the moment (even if later on we hit ourselves over the head about it).


For the most part, I think we ALL can relate. We are all at war with our demons and although our battlefields and weapons of choice may be different, (what do our wars have in common?) They are unseen.


The wars that we confront have many faces (this is not your Rambo type-of-war) and can be little or big. Nonetheless, it is important so in this war you must have victory!

Some of us are at war with weight (whether you are trying to gain or loose some pounds), skin and face conditions, hair trouble (loss, damage, etc). Or, perhaps it’s battling with social anxiety (introvert or extrovert). The list can go on-and-on because we ALL have something we don’t like or wish to change or are simply born with. 


Everyone has an unseen war at home- a war worth battling. How do I confront my war in my battlefield? My weapons of choice is to remind myself that this is MY war and the battlefield is my PLAYGROUND. For the most part, I am in control and when I don’t or cannot control “it”, I then remind myself that I have full control of how it makes me FEEL.

Having control of your feelings, allowing it to BREAK or MAKE you .

It’s up to US to decide.



Wondering what to get (him) for Father’s Day?

I love to gift! It’s such an amazing feeling when you gift to someone you deeply love or care about.


Well that is up until I actually have to start thinking about what this special person may like, need, or want! Then this beautiful feeling slowly disappears and I find myself surfing the web for gift ideas or going to multiple stores to only come home empty-handed.


Why is the idea of giving a gift so difficult? Am I the only one that this happens to? I’d like to think so because I’d like to think the gift of giving is much more simple but I’m betting most people can relate (can you?).

Ok, so we know that Father’s Day is for dads but also for some single moms so give him (or her) something that s/he can use, will need, and may want!! Most importantly, s/he will thank you now and years to come!

Take a look for yourself by clicking here!

What is your Writing Style?

Before you answer that, let me clarify. I don’t mean to ask if you are a persuasive writer or if descriptive writing is what you prefer.

This question is more old-school (if you will), are you the pen-and-paper type? Do you love notebooks and drown the pages with words? Or, are you more comfortable using technology?

Believe it or not, there was a time (long time ago) in which you didn’t have an option.

Pen and Paper vs Technology

There is some magical feeling about grabbing a piece of paper and feeling the strokes of your hand create words until your heart is content. Personally, I enjoy this technique although I don’t use it quite frequently. It really gives you more flexibility because you can do your writing anywhere (literally!). Stuck at the airport- POOF! You can write. Waiting for your never-on-time friends at the coffee shop-POOF! You can write. You get the drift.


I know you’re thinking you can do that using a computer and probably can get your writing done faster. You are right! If you make a typo all you have to do is click on [Backspace] and VOILA! Not so easy when you are using a pen. However, there are some drawbacks like carrying a computer bag and charger and making sure you are able to keep your computer with enough juice to get the job done. Pen and paper- fold it up and stick it in your pocket or handbag!


Honestly, there is no wrong way to getting your thoughts out there to the rest of the world!

What do you think? What works for you best? Share your thoughts on your writing style, would love to read them!

Top 3 Reasons Why YOU Need a Time-Out.

Ugh! It’s been one of those days in which you can literally pull over in the middle of doing whatever you are doing or going wherever you are going and — TAKE A NAP!

You don’t fancy for anything other than lights out and utter complete silence! Unfortunately our crazy schedules, commitments, and work life just won’t work with what we are truly interested in and instead we slave away to a dark hole of no return until five o’clock. Shift is over and now our other lives awaits us…..

First I have to share with you that once I joked with my partner I was going to lock the door and there would be no out of the room. My partner responded “please do so and make sure to take the keys with you!“. Well, interestingly the remark was based on the ability to  go on a Time-Out and my partner was all for it!



I want to give you at least three reasons (I’m sure I can think of more thou) why you should give yourself a Time-Out!

  1. You NEED it!- Seriously, you DO! For many reasons but mostly because you need time to re-generate and for those of you with little ones, it is the only thing that will help you seem like you are unstoppable! Kids are like spies, they watch what you do and what you say and then use it against you so why not be alert while its happening!
  2. You will lessen the risk serving prison time or avoid long awkward talks with your manager, friend, or family because you suddenly snapped. Ok, so I’ve never actually seen this happen but I have heard of instances in which a person was at the verge of dropping the F-Bomb at work. Lets avoid growing our list of fans that already may despise us and just take a time-out.
  3. Last but not least, putting yourself on Time-Out can help increase productivity, reduce stress, increase critical thinking, and allow you to make better decisions than you normally would. Here is my disclaimer, I am not a medical professional nor do I intend to give you professional advice. However, how many of have awaken from a mid-day nap and felt like you can climb a mountain or do some spring cleaning?!! Yeah, neither have I but it is so refreshing to say the least!

Please put yourself on a Time-Out and if you’re still awake while doing so share other ideas you can think of that will help you benefit from putting yourself on a Time-Out.



It’s Live and Published!

Here is the link!

The book “Works for YOU but not for ME” has been published and available for reading! Don’t worry, it’s a super quick read and you will love it’s humor (with super important information of course). Don’t forget to pick up your copy, and check for giveaways in the next coming weeks!

Go ahead, give it a read!


Hello friends! Welcome to my piece of heaven!

Here I will write of anything and everything so if you have any special topic you want to share, please do so! All of your opinions and comments are always welcomed!

Happy Blogging!

Have you ever felt as if you were left out of the loop? Like everyone knows what is going on or how to do it but you? That makes TWO OF US! (or in this case, a whole lot of US). As with everything in life, sometimes we need just a bit of insight to carry on.

This book “Works for YOU but not for ME” is a guide that will guide you through the next few years of your (and your child’s) life. Is this a book with all the answers?? Are you going to know everything you ever need to know about how to raise a child? NOPE! So why read it? Because the information in it will guide you to what to expect from your child from birth to high school!

Go on and give it a read, you’ll thank me later!